Make machine intelligence universal by creating an open source, decentralised compute protocol

The Gensyn Protocol unites the world's ML-capable compute hardware into a global supercluster, accessible to everyone and controlled by its participants - open source, permissionless, and infinitely scalable. We believe the future of machine intelligence will emerge through collaborative modelling and we're creating the foundational resources to make it possible.

read our litepaper

We build low-level technology that makes machine learning modular, ubiquitous, and automatable

Communication and Coordination

A protocol for p2p communication, collective decision making, and distributed data availability.

Serialisation and Execution

A compiler stack generating machine-dependent code for reproducible machine learning between heterogeneous devices.

Verifiable Computation

A cryptographic, optimistic, and game theoretic proof system to perform runtime ML verification.

Distributed Efficiency

Sharding and scheduling strategies for efficient distributed learning over networks with heterogeneous latency and bandwidth.

The Machine Learning Compute Protocol and our future
Ben Fielding
EthDenver: Why Does AI Need Crypto?
Gensyn Litepaper
a16z raise announcement
The Machine Learning Compute Protocol and our future
Ben Fielding
EthDenver: Why Does AI Need Crypto?
Gensyn Litepaper
a16z raise announcement
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